Gretta Elleanor

What We Do

  • Name = Gretta Elleanor

  • Age = 21 y.o

  • Zodiak = Cancer


  • Love Language = WOA, QT and PT

hi, my name is gretta elleanor or you can call me eta, gege, lala or whatever you call it as long as it's from you.I'm the type of woman who can be passionate and can be assertive, depending on how you want you can read above, I have love language words of affirmation ready to give advice, encouragement and words of reminder for you every day.don't worry about getting off topic with me, because I'm a curious person so I'll always ask you about various things, you can also tell me about your daily life, whatever it is I'll be happy to hear itI can also be a support system, friend, friend and even a mommy figure for you.

1. Tersedia untuk CA/RP/BA
2. Jam kerja (08.00-21.00) = 1 hari
3. Tidak menerima req stay up late
4. Otp hanya dapat dilakukan mulai jam 09.00-15.00
5. Tidak ada kabar, waktu rent tetap berjalan
6. Pembayaran via DANA, SPAY dan Via BRI
7. Platform avail wa, twitter dan tele
8. Pembayaran setelah mengisi form
9. Avail bxg, gxg (switch), bestie dan sister rent
10. Available Call & VN
11. Tidak masalah jika ingin membahas rl, tapi diharapkan untuk tetap dalam batasan. Mari saling menjaga dan menghargai privasi masing-masing.
12. Wajib memberi testi setelah masa sewa berakhir

1. regular (5k/day)
include pet name req and affections. take 3 client
3. vip (12k/day)
include face claim req, pet name req, in character, pap activity, stay up late 1 hour, and affections, take more than 1 cust.
4. vvip (20k/day)
include face claim req, pet name req, typing req, affections, vn, pda, stay up late 1 hour, pap activity, in character, and only take 1 cust.

public display of affection (pda) = 4.000/days
put bio / location = 3.000/day
otp only = 15.000/hour
otp = 12.000/hour
food date = bills on you
voice note = 5.000/session

Form Order

twt usn:
platform: (mohon diisi dengan id dan nomor yang benar)
relationship: (bxg, gxg, sister, bestie)
req face claim:
req typing: (lo-gue, aku-kamu, etc)
pet name: (babe, sayang, etc)
rent package: (reg, vip, or vvip)
date start-end:
add service:
desc ur type:
desc abt urself:
(mohon diisi dengan amat detail agar tidak ada miscommunication. jika ada pertanyaan mengenai form atau apa pun yang bersangkutan dengan penyewaan, bisa ditanya langsung.)